NC HIEA October 2022 Update

The NC HIEA offers resources to understand changes to the legislative mandate to connect to NC HealthConnex, the state health information exchange.

NC HIEA Offers Resources to Understand Legislative Mandate, Changes

The mandate for health care organizations and providers that serve state-funded patients on January 1, 2023, is fast approaching. The legislative changes enacted in the 2022 Appropriations Act may leave organizations and providers with questions about their connection status.

The N.C. Health Information Exchange Authority is offering several resources to help organizations and providers understand these changes and their impacts.

  • See our What Does the Law Mandate? page for a summary of the requirements in the 2022 Appropriations Act and Statewide Health Information Exchange Act.
  • Our Connection Deadline FAQs answer questions specifically related to the mandate deadline.
  • Our General FAQs on NC HealthConnex give more answers about the impacts on NC HealthConnex participants and non-participants.

You can find answers to questions on these and other topics on our FAQs page.

The NC HIEA is ready to assist providers with understanding how these legislative changes affect them. Please contact us at or 919-754-6912.


Upcoming Events

  • How to Connect Call - Monday, November 28, 2021, at 12 p.m. To register for this call, click here
  • NC HIEA Advisory Board Meeting - Thursday, November 3, 2022, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. - The Advisory Board meets to discuss developments related to NC HealthConnex and the NC HIEA. You can attend here.
  • NC HealthConnex Teletown Hall - Wednesday, November 16, 2022, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. - Year in Review and What's New for 2023. Register for the town hall here.


In The News

Interoperability in Action: ONC Informs CMS Ruling on Hospital Measures for Public Health and Health Equity Reporting – Second of a two-part series exploring how Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) policies are advancing interoperability in Health IT.

Training, Interoperability Key for Electronic Health Information Sharing – Many organizations reported that training across and within departments, as well as with patients, was a priority for electronic health information sharing.

PCI Compliance Versus HIPAA Compliance In Healthcare – Maintaining PCI compliance and HIPAA compliance can help healthcare organizations protect all forms of patient data, from medical information to credit card numbers.