Notices and Alerts

Current Notices

Tab/Accordion Items

Notice: The Atrium Health data connection is back to full capacity. The individual Atrium Health hospitals will be defined in the Facility Place of Service field under the Atrium Health organization in the notifications. As a reminder, Atrium Health is sending North Carolina mandated data for state funded services only and not all patient data.

Below you will find participants that we are actively working with to resolve any disruption(s) to their connection to NC HealthConnex. The purpose of this table is to keep NC HealthConnex participants informed of interruptions to data feeds.

Facility Name Facility Type Feed Type Status Next Steps
Advent Health Health System ADT, CCD Disconnected Development actively in progress.
Harris Regional Hospital (Westcare Health) Hospital ADT, CCD Disconnected Development actively in progress.
Swain Community Hospital (Westcare Health) Hospital ADT, CCD Disconnected Development actively in progress.

As a result of these temporary downtimes, other NC HealthConnex participants might experience missing data, or data fields they usually see in some of our outbound services. Examples of services that may be missing data from these facilities include NC*Notify (ADT alerts) and the Provider Clinical Portal.

Please reach out to with any questions or concerns regarding the resolution progress or service degradation that you may be experiencing because of this temporary delay. This page is updated on a regular basis for your awareness. We appreciate your patience while we work diligently to keep us all connected.

The North Carolina Health Information Exchange Authority (NC HIEA), and its partner SAS Institute, is pleased to announce that an upgrade is coming to the NC HealthConnex platform in August 2024.

Why are we doing this upgrade?

The goal of this upgrade is to modernize the NC HealthConnex infrastructure to current health information exchange standards, which will result in improved system performance and a better user experience for those participants utilizing exchange services including, but not limited to, the NC HealthConnex Clinical Portal.

Some new benefits Clinical Portal users may see include an improved Clinical Summary section allowing data to be viewed in two columns, the ability to do a text search within individual chartbook pages and additional clinical sections within the patient record.

What will this mean for my practice?

Onboarding activities for NC HealthConnex data exchange services are currently in a planned change freeze that will last through August 2024. This may have different considerations for your practice depending on where you are in the connection process.

  • If your connection project is in process, please know the connection will not go live until the upgrade has been completed. Our development team may still reach out to you with questions and/or feedback as they continue working on development activities.
  • If your connection project has not yet started, you will remain in our onboarding queue until after the upgrade is complete.
  • If you are already live, meaning your practice is already submitting data to NC HealthConnex, there is no action you need to take at this time.

Please note: This upgrade process and any subsequent downtime will not impact your compliance with the HIE Act. If you have a signed and executed Participation Agreement, there is nothing more you need to do at this time.

What are the next steps?

This upgrade is scheduled to occur over a weekend in August, during which we expect downtime and delays in NC HealthConnex data exchange services. Estimated timeframes for downtime and go-live details for the upgrade will be communicated as more information becomes available. 

Upgrade Process Step Relevant Dates
Last Day to Complete Data Integrations Friday, June 14, 2024
Change Freeze Monday, June 24, 2024 to August 2024
Upgraded Environment Demonstrations TBD
Down Time/Interruptions TBD
Upgrade Launches August 2024

If you have additional questions, please contact the NC HealthConnex Provider Relations team at (919) 754-6912.

Regularly scheduled maintenance on this website takes place on the third weekend of the month.