Author: Jessica Hagins
NC HealthConnex Upgrade Completed
The N.C. Health Information Exchange Authority and its partner SAS Institute are pleased to announce a major upgrade to the NC HealthConnex platform has been completed. The upgrade took place over the weekend of August 10-11, 2024, during which participants experienced planned downtime and delays. The NC HIEA would like to thank our participants for their patience during this downtime.
Data submission and access to NC HealthConnex Exchange Services, such as the Clinical Portal, bidirectional exchange and Direct Secure Message resumed on the evening of Sunday, August 11, 2024.
There was a temporary outage to NC*Notify services following the upgrade. Access to the NC*Notify dashboard was restored on Monday, August 12.
The following are some helpful steps to take to ensure you can continue to use NC HealthConnex smoothly:
- Update your bookmarked URL to to avoid access issues.
- View this Clinical Portal Quick Reference Guide to get started using the upgraded NC HealthConnex Clinical Portal.
- View the complete, updated Clinical Portal User Guide for a more thorough look at how to use all the features of NC HealthConnex.
- Watch this video to see a demonstration of the upgraded Clinical Portal.
- Email us at to share your experience following the upgrade.
If you continue to experience downtime or delays in accessing our services, please call the Help Desk at 919-531-2700 or email us at
Please note: This upgrade process and any subsequent downtime did not impact your compliance with the HIE Act.
The goal of this upgrade was to modernize the NC HealthConnex infrastructure to current health information exchange standards, which will result in improved system performance and a better user experience for our participants.
More information about this upgrade is available on this FAQ page. If you have more questions, please contact the NC HealthConnex Provider Relations team at (919) 754-6912.
Thank you for your assistance in making this a smooth transition, and for your help in making NC HealthConnex successful.