Topics Related to Training

Join a monthly "How to Connect" call to learn about who we are at the N.C. Health Information Exchange Authority.

Join a monthly "How to Connect" call to learn about who we are at the N.C. Health Information Exchange Authority.

The N.C. Health Information Exchange Authority is holding an online meeting to showcase enhancements to NC HealthConnex.

NC HealthConnex is on a mission to link every health care provider in North Carolina to improve health care quality and outcomes. 

Join the NC HIEA and NCDHHS team at their August Teletown Hall to learn more about what the Controlled Substance Reporting System (CSRS) is, the Mandated Use that began July 7, 2021, and how the CSRS Utilization Team is here to help support the use of the system as a clinical tool.

Interested providers are invited to join a monthly "How to Connect" call to learn about who we are, as well as the state mandate, steps to connect and value-added features. 

Interested providers are invited to join a monthly "How to Connect" online webinar to learn about NC HealthConnex and the state mandate as well as steps to connect and value-added features. 

The next call is scheduled for:

The "How to Connect" webinar is a chance to learn about NC HealthConnex and the state mandate as well as steps to connect and value-added features.

The "How to Connect" webinar is a chance to learn about NC HealthConnex and the state mandate as well as steps to connect and value-added features.

The monthly "How to Connect" webinar is a chance to learn about NC HealthConnex and the state mandate as well as steps to connect and value-added features.